Jun 27, 2018
Kapsera joins the best accelerating program for start-ups in Paris.

The start-up incorporated in January 2018 has just been selected in the new promotion of Wilco, the largest start-up accelerator in Paris.

Kapsera joins the new class of the Wilco programm in Industry category. This is an important first step for the company in its deployment since its creation in January 2018. This gives it access to founder coaching and possibly non-dilutive funding at the end.


About Kapsera

Founded in 2018 by Antoine Drevelle and Jérôme Bibette, Kapsera is a French company based in Paris in the prestigious ESPCIParis startup incubator. The company develops an innovative formulation technology for sustainable agriculture. Thanks to this high potential technology, Kapsera has already signed several major collaboration agreements with industrial partners to develop biostimulant and biopesticide products based on its technology.




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